My name is Margarida, born and living in Portugal. A couple of months after doing a lot of hard work with my hands and arms – sculpture, painting, computer - I would wake up throughout the night with my right shoulder and arm in a lot of pain...not moving normally.
I initially called health assistance here in Portugal, and was instructed to go to the emergency room. I went that evening as I couldn’t even get dressed without help. After x-rays, anti-inflammatory medications, an allergic reaction to the medications, seeing a separate orthopedist, then an osteopath, a natural anti-inflammation remedy and an option for surgery...I just did not like what I was hearing, {or still feeling}.
Then, I thought about Joey Raines. Even though he was so far away, I needed to know his opinion and seek his help. So, I talked with him through a Skype video call.
Joey tested the movement of my injured arm and assessed how hard it was to move. I thought he was going to make me exercise my painful side. To my surprise, he designed a set of movements for the opposite shoulder to do 3 - 4 times a day. Over the next two days, it was really hard to do as many times as he advised, but on the 3rd/4th day, I made sure to do as many times as I could.
On the 5th day, I woke up and realized I DIDN'T FEEL PAIN! At lunch time, it still didn't hurt! I was moving my right shoulder and arm, just like my good side. I immediately messaged Joey telling him how wonderful and amazing I felt.
Whether you are close, or far across the oceans, you can still have his amazing help. It made his magic reachable. I feel good...really good...living my life, working and doing everything else I desire.