in Full Motion Health & Wellness has pioneered the ONLINE application of Total Motion Release (TMR) with the Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) to treat chronic Back & Shoulder pain, along with the stress and anxiety that are often present by balancing the asymmetries in the body and resetting the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), the mechanism that initiates the fight, flight or freeze response.
The theoretical basis of this approach is that certain reflexes become activated when we are in pain or when we experience a traumatic event. These reflexes need to be addressed in order to achieve long-term pain relief.
what is the ans?
Sometimes known as involuntary nervous system, the ANS is the part of the nervous system that regulates our stress level and our relaxation level. Unfortunately, most of us have an involuntary imbalance in this system and we remain habitually tense. many of the ailments we experience are almost certainly caused and perpetuated by this imbalance.
The autonomic nervous system doesn’t make a judgment about good or bad. It simply acts to manage risk and seek safety. Personal perception, not the actual facts of experience, creates a response.
what are reflexes?
Reflexes are unlearned automatic responses to a stimulus or cue. Two fundamental reflexes we have are the Startle Reflex and the Withdrawal Reflex. When we are startled by a loud noise, for example, we raise our arms and inhale quickly. When we touch something hot or painful we quickly pull our hand away.
When we are in pain our reflexes may become more sensitive. Both the Withdrawal Reflex and the Startle Reflex make up a very important part of the pain system. Not only can both these reflexes be activated by pain but, they may become hyperactive and become factors in pain generation.
How are reflexes involved with pain?
When we are in pain our reflexes may become more sensitive. Both the Withdrawal Reflex and the Startle Reflex make up a very important part of the pain system. Not only can both these reflexes be activated by pain but, they may become hyperactive and become factors in pain generation.