
The Primal Reflex Release Technique™ (PRRT, pronounced “pert”) is a manual-therapy approach for evaluating and relieving musculoskeletal pain. PRRT is often able to accomplish in just seconds what joint mobilization and manipulation, trigger point therapy, and soft tissue and myofascial release can do over time.

PRRT has been found effective in more than 80% of patients with painful conditions. How can it be so successful? PRRT is based on the premise that over-stimulation of the body’s primal reflexes creates pain and keeps painful patterns occurring again and again. These reflexes — startle, withdrawal, and the protective joint reflexes–are hardwired into the nervous system of the body for the purpose of survival. When a person experiences a painful or startling event, these reflexes are triggered in an attempt to protect the body.

Unfortunately, these reflexes often persist in a state of hyper-readiness long after the triggering event has passed. When sustained over time, activated reflex responses lead to patterns of pain that are reproduced, repeated, and maintained, interfering with healing and resisting therapeutic efforts to restore natural function.

PRRT addresses muscle and joint receptors along with their spinal modulation. These often overlooked and seldom-treated areas of the body are the cause and solution for many types of pain, including:

  • Restricted motion
  • Pain with or without motion
  • Reduced spontaneity of motion
  • Muscle tightness, stiffness, and/or tension

The Primal Reflex Release Technique™ treatment system offers an innovative combination and application of techniques that facilitate rapid “neural reboot.” This neural reboot resets the neural control of joints, muscles, and fascia to release joint restrictions, trigger points, and fascial restrictions not unlike when you reboot your computer.

Why Haven’t We Looked at the Most Primal of All Systems, the Reflexes?

It seems obvious that the reflexes found at the spinal cord and brain stem levels should be considered in musculoskeletal assessment as they are with PRRT. Yet in courses, textbooks, and journals that address treating musculoskeletal issues, the neuro-physiological basis underlying muscle and joint protective mechanisms is generally ignored or overlooked.

PRRT “turns off” pain almost instantly by using a series of flicking and tapping techniques. These techniques inhibit the overactive reflexes that may be causing pain.A simple one minute exam is all that is required to locate the tender or hyperactive reflexes like withdrawing or grimacing. Relief is usually experienced after the first treatment. Follow up visits may be required. In most cases, no more than four visits are needed to get the desired results.

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Tapas Acupressure Technique®️ (TAT) (hyperlinked to emotional balance)

Tapas Acupressure Technique 

The Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT), developed in 1993 by Tapas Fleming, a licensed acupuncturist in California, is an easy process for ending traumatic stress, and freeing yourself of negative beliefs. TAT is a new, simple and effective technique that delivers inner peace, relaxation, more vibrant health and empowerment in minutes. It combines lightly holding a few acupressure points on your head (the TAT pose) as you put your attention on a problem (the Steps of TAT).

TAT does not replace therapy or health care from medical professionals.

When a trauma happens, and a person's response is, "That's too much for me," the implication of that inner statement is, "I'll get to it later, file it away, and face it when I can, when it isn't life-threatening." But we seem to put off forever something that we don't want to deal with now, and the trauma that we put off stays with us. We can put time and distance between us and the event, but the experience is still on hold. The illusion is created in our minds that it is in the "past" and that we are now in control of our lives. However, the more we keep a trauma locked in the so-called past, the more strongly we are connected to it, and the more traumas we hold off like this, the more narrow and limited our lives become. Also used to clear the emotional origins of physical disease and adverse childhood experiences, it consists of an easy pose that involves touching acupressure points on the face and head and putting your attention on a set of specific statements. 

Once the experience causing the anxiety, fear or stress is identified the individual holds the TAT pose while putting their attention on the statements that address the experience from different perspectives. The client is instructed to refrain from intellectualizing or making judgements about the statements and just be with them and relax and notice what happens. Generally, as the individual disengages from the emotional charge and enters the present moment, a physiological response such as yawning, sighing or a sense of releasing tension is felt in the body. The continuous playing story loop drops away and a new perspective emerges. You are no longer reacting or emotionally engaged with what happened in the past or worrying about what might happen in the future. You are now at cause and present to what is happening in the moment.

Some of the conditions that can be helped…Conditions Treated (click here)

– Myofascial Release (MFR) is a safe and gentle form of stretching and balancing that can eliminate pain, restore mobility and have a profound effect on the body’s tissues at a very deep level… (MFR click here)

– Strain and Counterstrain (SCS) is one of the gentlest hands on techniques for treating muscle and joint pain… (SCS click here)

– Primal Reflex Release Technique (PRRT) “turns off” pain almost instantly by using a series of flicking and tapping techniques… (PRRT click here)

-Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) is a simple technique that makes it easy for you to end stress, even traumatic stress, and live a happier life… (TAT click here)

– Qigong and Applied Qigong Therapy is an energy based healing technique that uses external and internal energy to change an imbalanced condition to a balanced one…Qigong (click here)
